Chapter 2 from Nahum | Ylt

Come up hath a scatterer to thy face, Keep the bulwark, watch the way, Strengthen the loins, strengthen power mightily.
For turned back hath Jehovah to the excellency of Jacob, As `to' the excellency of Israel, For emptied them out have emptiers, And their branches they have marred.
The shield of his mighty ones is become red, Men of might `are in' scarlet, With fiery torches `is' the chariot in a day of his preparation, And the firs have been caused to tremble.
In out-places shine do the chariots, They go to and fro in broad places, Their appearances `are' like torches, As lightnings they run.
He doth remember his honourable ones, They stumble in their goings, They hasten `to' its wall, and prepared is the covering.
Gates of the rivers have been opened, And the palace is dissolved.
And it is established -- she hath removed, She hath been brought up, And her handmaids are leading as the voice of doves, Tabering on their hearts.
And Nineveh `is' as a pool of waters, From of old it `is' -- and they are fleeing! `Stand ye, stand;' and none is turning!
Seize ye silver, seize ye gold, And there is no end to the prepared things, `To' the abundance of all desirable vessels.
She is empty, yea, emptiness and waste, And the heart hath melted, And the knees have smitten together, And great pain `is' in all loins, And the faces of all of them have gathered paleness.
Where `is' the habitation of lionesses? And a feeding-place it `is' for young lions Where walked hath a lion, an old lion, A lion's whelp, and there is none troubling.
The lion is tearing parts `for' his whelps, And is strangling for his lionesses, And he doth fill `with' prey his holes, And his habitations `with' rapine.
Lo, I `am' against thee, An affirmation of Jehovah of Hosts, And I have burned in smoke its chariot, And thy young lions consume doth a sword, And I have cut off from the land thy prey, And not heard any more is the voice of thy messengers!